The Infinite Experience Machine

March 13, 2017

I sat in a comfy chair in a Costa cafe today, sipping on a hot latte and letting my mind wander. All told I was ensconced in my bubble of tranquillity for around two hours and loved every second of it [1]. Measured in terms of happiness, it was a successful deployment of my resources. That said, I achieved absolutely nothing. Time passed, I enjoyed it, but I gained no new experience in anything of value. Which was the point. But what if I had wanted to “move forwards” with some area of my life? [2] To move forwards we need to do things. By doing things we accumulate experiences. These experiences are the fuel we shovel into the Improvement Furnace [3].

“Here, take another set”

Activities which get you out into the world doing things, especially difficult things in an uncontrolled environment, are great for rapidly accumulating experiences. That’s one reason sports are so good for kids – they learn about all kinds of things tangential to the sport itself from the very act of doing sport [6]. How about daygame? What does an extended period of in-field work give you?

Saturday rolls around and you’re feeling that ominous dread in your gut at the thought of hitting the streets and talking to women. You don’t much fancy the sting of rejections nor the negative feedback it suggests as to the current state of your Game and SMV. Nonetheless, you potter through your own personalised pre-daygame ritual [7] and get those first few sets in. The AA dissipates and you might end up with a good session.

Improvement Furnace result: increased ability to overrule hindbrain angst using forebrain willpower

Mid-way through that Saturday session you still haven’t hit your stride. The weasels are chattering in your ear, trying to talk you out of it. One particular set goes badly, a girl just waving you away while you’re left hanging. You think you catch a ghost of a smirk on your wing’s face, laughing at you. Negativity surges from deep down. You remember something similar happened the week before and you’d spent the rest of the afternoon ranting about how women are bitches, game is shit, and really it’s a much smarter plan to just save money and fuck whores. You’d gone to bed that night feeling terrible, having talked yourself into a seething mess. “Not today!” you tell yourself. Rather than bitch and moan to your wing about the blowout you shrug your shoulders, chalk it to the game, and resume your usual positive self talk. “Fuck me, she wasn’t having it was she?” you laugh. Your wing agrees. Crisis over, vibe maintained. You can feel the session begin to shift towards the positive.

Improvement Furnace result: improved emotional control and increased ability to manage your own vibe

“Let me guess, I look French? Bye bye, loser”

It’s getting on to 5pm now and you’ve had a couple of good sets. You’re pretty glad you came out and especially pleased with yourself for overcoming the earlier wobbles. A pretty girl flashes you what might have been an IOI. You’re not sure but there was something there, vanishingly subtle but you’ve been practising your sensitivity to IOIs and you think that might’ve been one. You go in. She lights up and giggles, hooking immediately. The set goes great and about four minutes in you just get the sense “this girl fancies me, and she doesn’t want me to go”.
“Look, I was thinking about having a coffee over there. Would you like to join me?”
She enthusiastically agrees and comes off on the idate. At that point you don’t know if there’s anything in it, but daygame has just generated another experience for you.

Improvement Furnace result: improved ability to recognise, interpret and act upon subtle social cues.

I could go on [8]. My point is that whatever immediate tangible results you are getting (or not getting) from daygame, so long as you keep going out the Daygame Infinite Experience Machine is replenishing your fuel stores and keeping the Improvement Furnace going. There are all kinds of active and passive skills levelling up in the background like a real life Skyrim character [9]. You still need your introspection, your theoretical study, and your process of continuous improvement. Just don’t forget that you also need the fuel of new experiences and can feel blessed that the streets are always there and thus you can always go out and replenish your stocks.

If you’re wondering which books you ought to buy to improve your theoretical study, I may have just the thing for you here.

Cigarette break at the foundary

[1] Indeed I’d highly recommend you try that sort of thing more often for the relaxing effect it has on you.
[2] Other than happiness. And aint no one got time for that.
[3] And perhaps the animal holding the shovel is Improvement Furnace Otter, should you be of the indulgent neurotic type who wishes to personalise these sorts of things. [4]
[4] Was that mean? [5]
[5] Probably was, wasn’t it. I think I don’t have a strong leash on Needless Insult Leopard today.
[6] I’m referringĀ to things such as teamwork, self-control etc
[7] In London, mine came to involve the Number 13 bus, a Starbucks filter coffee with semi-skimmed milk, and an M&S sausage roll.
[8] But I won’t
[9] If you take an arrow to the knee, you may need to transition towards coffee shop game.

The Dunning Kruger Effect in PUA

February 20, 2017

Game involves a strong element of applied psychology, and thus it behoves the aspiring player to make a review of ‘normie’ academic psychology to plunder key concepts and get abreast of the discipline. It’s not difficult to grasp because the social sciences are – to put it mildly – not where civilisation’s finest minds go to work. [1] If you’re entirely new, I’d suggest a UK A-level textbook such as RichardĀ Gross’s Psychology. It’s written for average IQ teenagers so my esteemed readers should have no problem whizzing through it. [2]

There are some great concepts in there, even at the A-level entry point, and one I like [3] is the Dunning Kruger effect: “a cognitive bias in which low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability as much higher than it really is.”

Your first reaction is likely to be a scoff, at all those stupid other people who keep falling into this trap. A few seconds later you may feel a slight wobble, a tremor from deep down, that perhaps you too could fall into this trap and not realise it. Likely, you squashed that thought and turned your mind to the more spectacular examples of Dunning Kruger on PUA YouTube [4]. Generally, the literature considers the DK effect to be a problem, because it leads to an inaccurate model of the world and encourages overconfidence.

Overconfidence? you say.

"Yeah mate, I'm gonna be banging girls like this"

“Yeah mate, I’m gonna be banging girls like this”


And that’s why PUAs have a unique relationship to the DK effect. If you’re trying to build a bridge over the Rio Grande, you’d better have an accurate estimation of your engineering skills. If you’re trying to smoke out globalist traitors from the highest levels of the NSA, CIA and FBI [5], you’d better have an accurate assessment of the world.

But if you’re trying to pick up women? Well, as Heartiste has so often advised us, overconfidence is king. I don’t refer to him as often as I should so let’s lavish a full quote box on his advice, from the Sixteen Commandments Of Poon:

XI. Be irrationally self-confident
No matter what your station in life, stride through the world without apology or excuse. It does not matter if objectively you are not the best man a woman can get; what matters is that you think and act like you are. Women have a dogā€™s instinct for uncovering weakness in men; donā€™t make it easy for them. Self-confidence, warranted or not, triggers submissive emotional responses in women. Irrational self-confidence will get you more pussy than rational defeatism.

Delusions of grandeur are absolutely essential for the aspiring PUA. Speaking from my own experience, if I’d known how low my SMV really was, how bad my Game was, and how difficult the road ahead was…. I’d have given up at the beginning. The quest to bang youngerhottertighter is a foolhardy one in which we are trying to beat Nature at her own game. Most aspiring players are fucking insane for even thinking they can do it.

And yet they try, and more of them succeed in rapid escalating and first-date sodomising Mother Nature than we’d ever expect. How? How is this possible? Let’s first consider the problem. The best way to have casual sex with many pretty women is to be (i) high SMV (ii) surpremely confident (iii) sure of your eventual success. Most aspiring PUAs face the following problems:

  1. Low SMV
  2. Low confidence
  3. Persistent uncertainty

Fortunately the PUA industry has engineered a meta-game to keep its apprentices on the right path to learning the skills. It does this by engaging in the following tricks.


1. The Monomyth
Joseph Campbell wrote a masterwork distilling the key dramatic elements of literature into a single all-purpose monomyth. His book is The Hero With A Thousand Faces and I’ve written about it before. The key takeway is that when the aspiring player conceives of himself as the hero and the Player’s Journey [6] as a proxy to the Hero’s Journey he is leveraging a deep DNA-level semantic structure within his brain. He is no longer a bumbling fool engaged in a hopeless waste of time that’ll probably end in tears. Rather, he has heeded the call to adventure.

Consider the structure of typical novels and movies. As the Aaron Sorkin Masterclass makes beautifully clear, drama requires Intention and Obstacle. This is what distinguishes it from mere journalism. There is something the hero wants (in our case to bang hot birds) and there is something/s preventing him getting it (being shit with women, being sexually deselected, Nature itself…. this list is very long). The plot structure guides the hero in his quest to overcome the obstacles until finally he achieves his goal. Art house movies aside, he always achieves his goal. When inserting oneself into the monomyth, one gains a deep feeling of inevitability about success. Believe me, you’ll need that. Ā (Here’s an example of the daygame monomyth in action, leading to results after a tough start)

2. The Path
I remember Tyler once saying, off-hand, in his Blueprint Decoded video seminar words to the effect of “the path is there, all you have to do is walk it”. That’s a little like saying “the mountain is there, all you have to do is climb it” but the point is in the subtext. It’s not random, it’s not a jungle wilderness. There is a path. That implies:

  • People have walked it before you
  • It is well-trodden and thus easier to walk than jungle thickets
  • It leads somewhere worth going
  • It has an end

The most powerful inner game is that which rests outside our conscious mind, our assumptions and world view that inform the decisions made consciously. By conceiving of the Player’s Journey as following a path we acquire direction, purpose, and the confidence that we’re not wasting our time on a wild goose chase. That’s powerful considering our path is just an abstraction and that running around chatting up women is fundamentally a rather random act.

3. The Secret Method
Game was originally marketed just like those scam products on how to beat the lottery or the secrets to self defence. If you’re an average man, you don’t expect to achieve above-average results on a level playing field – be it sports, business or girls. The outsize results come when you deploy a tactical advantage unavailable to your competitors such as the Mohammedan hordes using heavy cavalry to colonise Europe, or Charles Martel developing heavy infantry to finally push them back. PUA promises you access to a secret system that provides a tactical advantage over not just the girls you’re seducing, but the rival males (‘chodes’) also competing for them.

When you believe you’re bringing a gun to a knife fight, you develop confidence and a sense of inevitable victory.

So how does this tie in with the Dunning Kruger effect?

Your early dabblings in pick-up will be met with crushing failure and yet…… it won’t feel that way. An objective assessment of my first thousand sets would be: “Banged two mediocre birds. Waste of time”. Yet for all my failure, pain, and despair in that first year I never truly wavered from The Path. The PUA industry had supplied me with all kinds of rationalisations to cushion the pain of reality and to nurture the flame of hope.

“Every rejection is another brick in my palace of Awesomeness”

I truly believed I was better than I really was [7] and that my results were better than they were. I always believed the tsunami of hot pussy was just around the next corner. My Dunning Kruger effect – let’s call it the Stunning Krauser effect – led me like a carrot in front of a donkey. It was my visualisation of the new identity I was growing into. Each time my real abilities advanced (as they necessarily will when you put in the work) my delusional self-image would advance with it.

Your reality may never catch up with your delusion, but so long as both move forward in lock-step, you will get better with women.

"I fucked a six! I'm halfway up!"

“I fucked a six! I’m halfway up!”

It is only when you take a pause on your journey up Relativity Mountain and gaze back at what you were that you truly appreciate how far you’ve come. Looking backwards you can drop the ego and face reality. You can say “actually, that bird was a bit minging” or “that text game was awful” and it doesn’t sting, nor does it knock you off your perilously narrow path forwards.

For the aspiring PUA, the Dunning Kruger effect is a cognitive bias that keeps you afloat while you’re learning to swim. Don’t try to overcome it.

[1] Sociology in particular is a swamp of Marxist filth that makes no effort at doing real science but takes great pains to pretend it does.
[2] A general rule when dealing with social sciences is to avoid anything written in the last twenty years, as unlike the hard sciences, the social sciences usually move backwards over time because they are so pozzed. The best work in the entire field was conducted in the fifty years leading up to 1960. I read the 1991 edition so I’ve no idea if later editions have become pozzed.
[3] By “like” I mean “recently accused of personifying, by Jimmy”
[4] I feel like Deepak Wayne deserves a nod here.
[5] Obligatory pro-Trump reference.
[6] It’s no coincidence that I coined this phrase to describe our efforts to get better with women.
[7] Still do. No reason to dismantle a successful delusion mechanism.

If you like the idea of inserting yourself into a monomyth in order to chart your progress upon the Player’s Journey, you might well like my book. It’s the most detailed map of The Path ever written.

A Deplorable Cad

February 12, 2017




Three years ago I embarked upon a wildly ambitious project. As an aspiring player Iā€™d read Neil Straussā€™s famous memoir The Game in which he describes his entry into the underground world of pick up artists. Reading those pages I felt like I was along for the ride, living the successes and failures with Neil. Itā€™s a good book.

Unfortunately, itā€™s also a bit light. In order to squeeze everything into a single volume to sit on a bookstore shelf, Neil packed a long timescale into few pages. By necessity, he skips over so many things that I had wanted to read about in detail. It felt like eating a chocolate bar when my stomach rumbled for a three course meal. Ā FRUSTRATING!

What I would have liked was more Ā detail.

ā€“ How exactly did he meet these girls and how did the dates go?

ā€“ What was it like to deal with anxiety and self-doubt on a daily basis?

ā€“ How did he deal with women he actually succeeded with?

Itā€™s one thing to simply tell a good story. I also wanted to learn. I looked around and tried many books but none were able to walk me through the Playerā€™s Journey in real live detail, red in tooth and claw.

Fortunately for you scamps ā€“ Enter the Nick Krauser Memoirs!



By mid-2014 Iā€™d achieved all my goals in Game. Iā€™d been hitting on girls for six years straight, learning, improving and ultimately writing best-in-class material on how to daygame. Now I wanted to tell my story. I didnā€™t want to perform a victory lap, telling everyone how awesome I am (though Iā€™ll admit thatā€™s highly temptingā€¦.)



..I wanted to write a memoir that would help my fellow players improve.

..I wanted to write a book rich with detail, depth and above all wisdom.

..I wanted to chart the Playerā€™s Journey so every man following in my steps knew exactly where to go and exactly what to expect.


This was a wildly ambitious project, to write however much needed to be written to convey my knowledge. To write until it was done ā€“ however many pages it took to get there. The Nick Krauser memoir is neither a cash-in nor a victory lap. My vision was to plant my flag, to blaze a trail and leave a map for other men to follow.

Because itā€™s not all fun and games. Itā€™s a tough path to follow.



From my many years coaching students Iā€™ve been shocked at how many men fall by the wayside. Itā€™s no exaggeration to say over 90% of men give up, having cracked under the pressure and fallen short of their goals. NINETY PERCENT!

Those of you whoā€™ve daygamed understand why. You know how it is to trudge through the rainy streets, your mind racing with anxiety and self-doubt, wondering if youā€™ll ever really make it. You know how it feels to have four dates lined up and then three cancel at short notice. You know how hard the downside hits you. It can sap you of the will to continue.

Believe me, I know how this feels. I lived it.

I know how important it was to have my friends around me, riding the same waves up and down. I could look at their experiences to be inspired by their successes and commiserated by their failures. It was so very important to have someone next to me, taking the same blows, and we pulled each other forwards.





A Deplorable Cad isnā€™t just a story. It isnā€™t just an entertaining recounting of my sexual escapades. This book is LOADED with heartfelt emotion and deep introspection. At every stage of my journey, at every key event, I explore how it made me FEEL and how I summoned the willpower to proceed.

Yes, I just said this book is full ofĀ FEELZ.

ā€œHow gayā€, you laugh.

Thatā€™s the problem we face as men. You canā€™t talk about it with your mates.Ā  It feels weird, right? And Youtube and websites are full of coaches puffing themselves up like supermen who never suffer self-doubt or fear of failure.

Letā€™s put that shit to rest right now.

Iā€™m a Ā successful player yet self-doubt and fear of failure kept me company throughout the entirety of my journey. Denying it to your audience doesnā€™t make it go away. If anything, it hurts your audience, makes them wonder if they are the only people who doubt themselves.

A Deplorable Cad is an inner game book.Ā  The next time you struggle ā€“ the next time a girl cancels a hot date with no explanation.Ā  The next time you see your dream girl glide by, but you just CANNOT approach her no matter what ā€“ you will recall that Iā€™ve been through this EXACT experience, and overcome it.Ā  Youā€™ll feel the comfort of knowing youā€™re not the only one.Ā  The self doubt will dissipate and you will find the will to push forward.

And you wonā€™t need to have embarrassing confessional sessions with your mates to do it!

I lived this life. My friends lived this life. And now I can take you along for the ride.

thanks for listening,


Nick Krauser

Buy my new book A Deplorable Cad in paperback here. Enter codes FWD15 and SHIPFEB17 at checkout for 15% discount and free shipping.


The Upa Drill – Bedroom Edition

December 31, 2016

Sitting over a morning coffee in Thailand with a couple of friends our conversation turned towards the previous evening’s events in the UFC. Before long we discussed the application of MMA techniques to the bedroom. Let me show you a very easy trick to employ with a lucky lady. It has a 100% satisfaction rate.

Pure porn

Pure porn

Do you know the “upa drill” in Brazilian Ju Jitsu? It’s a warm-up / conditioning drill in which you lay on your back and then buck your hips up and to one side, then reach an arm over your head to touch the mat on the other side. Here’s a video.

You can practice that on your living room floor until it’s burned into your muscle memory. It’s application is to bridge an opponent out of mount position. There are several YouTube videos demonstrating it, so let’s pick one what has two slim women making only a token effort to pretend it’s not a wank-stash vid:

The key is to conceive of the top girl’s balance as like a table with four legs. If you remove the legs on two sides it will tip over. Watch the video again and note how the bottom bitch girl traps her opponent’s ankle with her own foot, and the same-side arm with her arm, bringing it tight into her body. This removes the two “table legs” and makes her tip over in that direction with only the lightest upa movement.

If you haven’t figured out why this move works great in the bedroom, I’m afraid there’s no hope for you. And on another note, here’s some artĀ from my almost-ready next book:


If you liked that, you’re gonna like my book. It’s just not on sale yet.

Simple In-Set Predictions

November 8, 2016

We you talk to a girl, there are two variables that determine whether she’s likely to fuck you: interest and availability. Put simply, to fuck a girl she must be at least somewhat interested (in you) and somewhat available (to you).

Contained within that are all manner of shades of grey. If she’s happily married, heavily k-selected, and feels sexually cold towards you then that’s an extreme No Girl for a caddish player in town for a week looking for casual sex. She could be a Weak Maybe for a local daygamer looking for a mistress over the longer term. She’s unlikely to be anything closer to Yes for anyone else. An all-around low probability girl because she’s happy with her current romantic options, her life plan, and not of the type to have casual sex easily.

In contrast a girl who broke up with her boyfriend three months ago, hasn’t had sex since, is in a new city, and at the horniest time of the month – this girl scores high on general availability. If you then happen to match her on DNA or the archetype of man she likes, she’s interested in you. This could be a Yes Girl. Between those two extremes are all kinds of Maybe Girls. Sometimes a girl is dating a boyfriend but growing dissatisfied and harbouring thoughts of dumping him – she’s just waiting for a better option. So she is somewhat available and you coming along may be the push she needs. Even so, you might not be her type so she’s uninterested in you even though she’s theoretically available to a player with different characteristics.

Most daygamers have experienced a girl who eye spazzes quickly, gives a long hand-hold, allows you close and to touch her, and is clearly dripping wet on the street but….. is married and says no. That’s a girl strongly interested in you but unavailable.


So, that fleshes out the concept that the girl must be interested in you and available to you – and that these are somewhat sliding scales. Let’s talk about how to recognise it in set.

INTERESTED / AVAILABLE – These girls give immediate positive reactions be it strong eye sparkle, blushing, giggling, hand-holding (strong interest) or a milder version of the same, so as subtle body shifts, solid eye contact, and an agreeability (mild interest). The crucial tell is physical engagement. If you see that, you can tick off “interested”.

Now, does she invest? If a girl is willing to stick around for ten minutes talking to you, come on an idate, or she tells you she’s late for a train but she gives you a few minutes: this granting an opportunity to make a pitchĀ suggests availability – she may still be making her mind up about you (i.e. not strong interest) but she’s at least willing to hang around a while to find out – she’s generally available.

INTERESTED / UNAVAILABLE – These girls also give the positive signs of physical engagement but – crucially – few signs of socialĀ engagement. Think back to how many times you had a fun chat with a girl who seemed ‘on’ but at the end she says “sorry I have a boyfriend / husband”. Now rewind your memory of the set and look for one specific thing – did she ever throw herself into the conversation?

These girls are always holding something back in-set. You feel they won’t take a step forwards into the interaction. Rather, you get the feeling they are letting you run your game as if they are spectators to a football match. They aren’t taking the pitch themselves. This situation emerges because these girls like you (are interested) and therefore wish to continue feeling the pleasant sensation of flirting but would feel guilty about actively encouraging you (are unavailable). So they fudge it – they let you run your game, coo and giggle, but don’t muck in themselves. These sets usually last five minutes and end as soon as you force her to stop sitting on the fence.

No reason

No reason

UNINTERESTED / AVAILABLE – These are the flat boring sets that never seem in a rush to end. Let’s say you spot a girl sitting in a cafe and you open. She looks a little dubious but makes conversation. It probably feels like you are plowing at the beginning and it takes skill and effort to keep the conversation going. Yet she’s not really IODing you. She doesn’t ask you to leave or make excuses (the street version is she doesn’t walk away). So you think “maybe I can turn this one around”. You sit down and have a twenty minute chat. She gradually opens up. She shit tests you but does give some mild IOIs. You bring the set to an end on your own timescale (not hers) be it a number close or an idate. She doesn’t reply to your feeler text.

This happened because she was generally available to being picked up by somebody but she lacked initial interest in you specifically. Given that she felt open to the world she allowed you to run your game so she could see if she’d warm to you and develop some interest. She granted you the opportunity to make your pitch. That’s why she shit tested you, to see if it would provoke feelings of interest in her. It’s why the whole thing was so flat – she’s just not very interested. These sets are the worst time-wasters because the girls don’t excuse themselves quickly like the INTERESTED/UNAVAILABLE girls do. Typically they’ll last between ten minutes and an hour.

UNINTERESTED / UNAVAILABLE – These sets are easy to spot – you never have a real hook point. They either blow you out fast or stand around impatiently with magnetic feet (they want to be polite but also want you to take the hint). Most of these sets last between ten seconds and two minutes. You never feel like you’ve stopped their momentum.

Next time you’re out daygaming watch for how the end result of your set can be predicted by spotting these signs while you’re in there.

If you thought this post was clear, precise, and actionable you should see my video product. It’s all of this done live in-field with a shit-load of analysis.

Rage Quit

November 5, 2016

Daygame is a Sisyphean task. Depending on how you do it, it’s either hunting or fishing. Most of the time it’s the former – we go out onto the streets and search for women. When we find one we like we pounce on them. Fishing is also possible; sit in a good spot outside a cafe and chill with your friend waiting for the right girl to amble past – then you pounce.

This is both the joy and the sorrow of daygame – it’s all on you. When you’re in the mood for the work, it’s exhilarating. You have the ability to roll up into a new city and make things happen. If you get the right combination of effort, skill and luck you’ll bang a pretty girl that week. Long-time daygamers will also know the downside to that calculus – when you aren’t in the mood, it’s a grind. You know that if you stop putting forth the focused effort, your results dry up.

I was watching a video analysis of Dark Souls last night [1] Towards the end of the video the speaker addressed the game’s theme, something widely contested in that geek’s corner of teh interwebs. For him, Dark Souls is about a bleak choice – you either strive or you die. The world or Lordran is fierce, unforgiving and no matter how hard you try you never make real progress. You put forth your best efforts, step-after-step, facing never-ending hardship and then any time you stumble you’re thrown back to the beginning. It’s a never-ending struggle just to stay in the same place. Any time you lose an engagement, you’ve had a little of your humanity whittled away from you never to return. The game is like walking up a down escalator.


And yet you persist. It’s compelling. Why is that?

Is it because that while the world is harsh, it’s fair? Every time you replay an area you learn a little more about its traps and opportunities. Every time you face an adversary you pick up on the tells and patterns in his attacks. You learn his weaknesses. There are few moments as satisfying as taking down a boss at the tenth attempt, crowning a learning cycle that began with you getting smashed into a pulp on the first attempt.

Is it because the alternative is simply death? There’s no easy mode in Dark Souls. It sets you a herculean task and you either press ahead or you give up.

Is it because that perilous journey feeds a never-ending supply of small engagements with enemies and forces you to become intensely aware of every metre of land in the level? Dark Souls forces you into a hyper-awareness of your surroundings and you come out of every play-through with a collection of mini-dramas from the battles – the wins and the losses.

When you play Dark Souls you experience video games very differently to blasting through on-rails levels like Call Of Duty. You sink into the world of Lordran and are immersed. Time ticks by while you are focused on the task. You are in a flow state. But sometimes it’s all too much. You creep down the spiral staircase of an abandoned castle tower to the spot where you died ten minutes ago. You see the bloodstain marking the spot – if you reach that you recover all those souls that took you an hour to collect. You step into the room and….. smash, crash, bang the Black Knight has just killed you. You’d forgotten there was one there.


An absolute fucking cunt, yesterday

An absolute fucking cunt, yesterday

Those souls are gone forever. An hour of work evaporates before your eyes while the Black Knight stands above, hacking at your lifeless corpse. FUCK THIS! Your controller goes flying across the room. You simply cannot bear to play it any more.

Obviously if daygame was that shit I wouldn’t have done it for seven years. That’s just the downside. Conversely, the upside creates feelings which are – without exaggeration – the most addictive and joyful I’ve ever experienced. Two days later Dark Souls is back on your mind. You’ve been strategising while in the bath – if I throw an alluring skull into the far corner he’ll investigate then I can creep in and backstab him. Yes! I’ll try that! Four hours on the Dark Souls roller-coaster and the controller goes flying across the room again [2]. But you learned something in the interim. You opened up a new zone and unlocked a new shortcut. You had a compelling four-hour struggle and you remember some of the battles in exquisite detail.

For the past six weeks I’ve been deep in Daygame Revulsion, the rage quit equivalent in our world. 2016 has been a fantastic year with tremendous upsides and many memorable encounters (win or lose). I’ve unlocked new areas in Lordran [3] and encountered new enemies [4] and also helpful NPCs. But now it’s cold, I’m worn out, and I’ve already banged enough girls for the year.

Just as I can’t go long without picking up that controller for another run at Dark Souls, I know with certainty I’ll be back out on the streets putting forth real effort again. But not for a while. I’m done with 2016 [5]. I’ll do a little half-assed opening on auto-pilot, akin to the zombies in Dawn Of The Dead stumbling around a shopping mall listening to the echoes of a former life.

[1] – Go on, tell me that surprises you.
[2] – I exaggerate. I’ve only launched the controller once ever. Usually I’ll just shout expletive-laden rants at the screen.
[3] – Specifically, Odessa and Moscow
[4] – There’s one big muscular brown mini-boss with an Indian accent. His main attacks are smoke and mirrors. It’s pretty easy to just aggro him and watch him kill himself.

[5] – Personally,I blame Donald Trump. It’s impossible to focus on getting laid when the entire future of Western Civilisation is to be decided within a week.

If you thought this was a bit negative, you’ll be glad I was banned from Twitter. In the meantime, buy my book.

I don’t plow

November 3, 2016

“I don’t plough” I say to my friend after letting a girl walk away after just thirty seconds of chat. “Waste of time”

A bit later I’m talking to a different girl. She tells me she’s in a hurry for the train home. I keep talking and tell her to get the next train. I’m much more interesting, I tell her, and what’s the point of rushing home to watch TV all night when the most interesting and charismatic man she’ll ever meet is inviting her for a drink right now? She seems indecisive, clearly weighing up the two options.

“But I have a boyfriend” she protests.
“I don’t care. I’m not the boyfriend type” I reply. “Look, there’s a nice bar over there. Let’s get a quick drink. Come on.”

She dances side-to-side awkwardly and I can almost hear Joe Strummer singing Should I Stay Or Should I Go.

“I’m sure you love your boyfriend. That’s great. You can get married, buy a house and have lots of beautiful children. But right now, I like you and you like me. Let’s go.”

She relents and joins me on the instant date. So, do I fuck this girl or not? Who knows, who cares. The point is why did “I don’t plow” became “I just plowed”?

Would you plow this?

Would you plow this?

I don’t think about technique in set anymore [1]. I trust the years of practice to have drilled my muscle memory to do everything right or at least close enough to right that fine-tuning doesn’t matter. Now I’m just looking for answers to the key questions, the main one is this: Does she fancy me?

That’s the single most important success factor in chatting up a girl. There has to be some attraction there. It doesn’t need to be a lot, but she has to have some. Often you can take your time in the set (be it the street or a bar) and let a girl gradually warm to you and then go for the number regardless. However, sometimes circumstances require you to make a decision about whether to cut your losses or to go all-in.

Instant dates are an obvious example – it only takes a minute to take a number but idates can stretch on from twenty minutes to seven hours. Suddenly there’s a massive time investment in walking her off rather than taking a number. That’s a decision to make carefully and I explain exactly how in Daygame Mastery.

Plowing is another special case. This is because unsuccessful plowing can really fuck up your vibe and frame. If you do it too much you’ll look and feel like a pussy beggar. Girls will feel awkward and it’ll sour your sets. Your body language and eye contact will become needy, carrying over into all your future sets. Conversely, we’ve all had times when a girl initially protests but we end up fucking her. Nobody wants to leave money on the table. So, what to do?

Put that back on the table, bitch

Put that back on the table, bitch

For me it’s simple – I ask myself does she fancy me? If she does, I’ll plow and I’ll argue the toss. So long as she fancies you, you avoid the main pitfalls of over-plowing. She won’t feel awkward because the mutually-understood context is of course you’re going to try and she’s pleasantly receptive precisely because she likes you and thus enjoys your show of interest. You don’t feel like a pussy beggar because you’re not plowing every girl, just the ones whom your calibration directs you to. Chasing high-probability leads is hardly begging.

Additionally, once you start arguing the toss you are free to engage in very overt fourth-wall chat which makes the set even more entertaining for you both.

“Look, I can already see your future. You’re nervous now and you’ll run away, jump on that train. And I’m telling you – later tonight, you’ll facepalm. How could I be so stupid you’ll tell yourself. I was talking to literally the most handsome and charming man I’ve met in my whole life but I ran home to watch House Of Cards. This could be the biggest mistake of your life.”

“My mother says I’m special. Don’t you agree? Look at the firm angle of my jawline, the cheerful spark in my eyes. This is what charisma looks like.”

So how do you know if she fancies you? I think existing PUA literature has that covered. The big ones for street game are:

  • aĀ flash in her eyes that you feel as electricity
  • wide eyes and big smile
  • she lets you get close
  • she lets you touch her

[1] Because I’m so awesome at street game

If you thought this was specific, relevant and helpful to improving your daygame, then you might like my book. It’s basically the best thing in the world.

My New Infield Product

October 2, 2016

Daygame Overkill is my crowning achievement so far. It represents the perfect intersection of both my game being on-point but also me still being sufficiently fascinated by the technical innovations in daygame that I wanted to analyse it all in teachable micro-detail. I poured my heart and soul into creating that.Ā Every daygamer with a YouTube account and website has bought a login to Overkill and copied the style. I’m not bitter at all, I’m flattered. But it did mean I needed to change my style and come up with some new innovations.

Back when I was good, yesterday

Back when I was good, yesterday

Those infields were shot two years ago and I’ve learned lots since. Perhaps another infield series could be done? It would certainly be different to Overkill. At the beginning of 2016 I settled upon a grand plan. I’d mic up with a dictaphone and record all my sets, where possible getting a wing to video them too. Then I’d very carefully cherry-pick the best of them to pretend that was my normal game. “That’ll sell tonnes of books!” I thought, rubbing my hands in glee.

Surely some cherry-picking and selective blurring of girl’s faces could craft the illusion that I was constantly banging hotties!

I respect this HB8 too much to show her face

I respect this HB8 too much to show her face

Then I future-projected how much actual work that would involve and thought “Fuck that, I need a Plan B”.Ā A new cunning plan formed.

I could stitch together a tapestry of infields based on a whole range of scams. I’d approach girls who looked like models then simply mute audio on the bit where I pretended to be a talent scout who could get them a job. I’d approach scammers on Khreschatyk Street in Kiev and mute the part where I invited them to an expensive restaurant. Perhaps I’d pick up disgusting fat girls high on drugs then ply them with alcohol and date rape them in my apartment and simply reframe them as being psychologically unbalanced by the power of my game.

I could fill an entire YouTube channel with that! If I gave them salacious titles like “Foreign Bald Man Lays Hot Model Teen – Nearly Died So Wild” it might go viral.Ā Then I realised a brown pathological liar from India had already sewn up that niche. Fuck. I needed a PLAN C.

How about if I got high on coke and walked around London bug-eyed hassling unsuspecting girls and uploading literally every set, occasionally monologuing in a park about “self acceptance” or “inner fear”.Ā SHIT! Someone had already thought of that.

Ok, PLAN D. How about trading on my looks to get hot but skanky whores from assisted dating sites, sending them dick pics, and filming myself banging them.Ā SHIT! Someone had already thought of that too!Ā Ok, ok, Nick……. wait. Think! Is there any niche that some enterprising daygame coach hasn’t already sewn up?

I could take hallucinogenic drugs then video myself drinking my own piss, claiming it freed me of social anxiety? Perhaps periscope myself doing weak “PR” closes on the escalators of American shopping malls? How about getting fucked off my nut on cocaine and booze then manhandling terrified chubby drunk girls and trying to pass them off as HB10s?

Done. Done. Done.

Shitty infields, tomorrow

Shitty infields, tomorrow

How about I just aped my own Daygame model but hired actresses in London and Krakow to play the part up until fumbling around in the bedroom on the “Same Day Lay”. Shit, I’d been beaten to that too!Ā Was there nothing left to show?Ā I had a good think about it and realised there was only one thing left that no-one else had thought of……. to just admit that most of your sets are shit and let people see them.Ā Daygame Mediocrity was born! More soon.

If you somehow liked this, you’ll almost certainly enjoy Daygame Overkill. But you probably can’t afford it.

How To Ping A Lead

August 25, 2016

Let’s do a quick round-up of some gambits to use when girls are placed in a holding pattern and logistics don’t allow you to push for a first / another date yet – for example, you aren’t visiting her city for another month or two. Bear in mind these are NOT your Feeler Texts (first message after taking number). They all assume you already have some back-and-forth going on.

#1 – Photo Ping
The bread and butter is to send photo pings. Usually they’ll be the first thing you send that day because they are your way of initiating a short contact that keeps the connection between you both and keeps you in her awareness. They allow you to add far more colour than just messaging “hey, whassup” or doing those cheesy PUA “recovery” texts about how you’re getting divorced and want to keep the dog.

The basic photo ping is the Window On My World. Send her a photo that represents what you’re doing, or thinking, or something you saw that caught your interest. Found the photo? Okay, now STOP! Do not immediately send it.


How can I build a mini-mythology or drama around this image? How can I make this photo of a teddy bear next to a cheeseburger interesting? I saw two dogs get their leashes tangled up and fall over, how can I make that a funnier mental image?

You never simply take a picture of your coffee or steak and say “I’m eating steak and drinking coffee”. That’s just step one. Step two is to dress it up and make it larger than life. Make the photo composition interesting and add something – “I’m eating the world’s juiciest steak. I might sell my house and buy a ranch in Argentina. I’ll make a great cowboy”

Here are some pings with the same girl. You’ll find that once you start sending them, it trains her to start finding her own photo pings to send you, as you see here.

Ping Pics 1

#2 – She sends you a photo
Any time a girl sends a photo of herself looking pretty it’s an excellent sign – she wants you to think of her as a sexual being. How you respond depends entirely on where you are in the set with her. The general rule is you use the primary energy in the set as it’s been so far:

– If she was bantering hard in the street, banter her in the photo response.
– If she was shy and demure, tease her softly then say something nice.
– If she was highly sexual, focus on the sex (or completely ignore the sexual aspect of the photo and comment on something mundane within the shot)

Here’s an example of a shy demure girl, quite likely a virgin. In these cases I always ask myself “which cute fluffy animal does she remind me of?” then I search Google Images for it. As a quick guide: Big dark eyes means raccoon. Full round cheeks means hamster. Visible front teeth and smile means squirrel. Narrowed eyes means cat. Long legs means flamingo.

Ping Pics 2

#3 – Surrealism
Once in a while it’s funny to go all Salvador Dali on her and give her a pattern-break. This works especially well if you’ve had a date already and been texting a while and thus she has greater understanding of your character from which to interpret the surrealism as an exaggeration thereof. In my examples the first girl had previously teased me that I only ever drink Costa coffee. I always accuse the second girl of tanning like a gypsy.

The key to surrealism is to find an odd arresting image and spinning off from it with a story. Play up the self-absorption so it functions like a Parody Narcissist who is only dimly self-aware.

Ping Pics 3

#4 – Truculent Cad
Sometimes I like to just be disagreeable with a girl while overly-stating how awesome I think I am. Again it’s all tongue-in-cheek and it draws it’s fun from being uncalled for and gratuitous.

Ping Pics 4

If you thought this post showed interesting ways to message girls, you should see my book. It’s got 180 pages all about messaging.

Text Game Clinic – Georgian Catwalk Model

August 24, 2016

Right then dickheads [1] let’s have ourselves a little gander at a recent Facebook message exchange I had while in Moscow. This was a Georgian/Russian girl I met in Gorky Park during a blisteringly hot Saturday afternoon. She was with her friend who couldn’t speak English and both were a bit too cool for school. As I walked off it felt like a weak close so I treated it as such in the ensuing messages – the most important goal was to build early attraction to get a proper hook point. So I took a few risks. Ā [right-click and “open image in new tab” if you have trouble reading the text]

Textgame 1

Section 1 is straight out attraction + mythology. I bait the hook with an unconventional opener that almost forces her to either (i) agree she’s trouble (ii) deny she’s trouble or (iii) ask why she’s trouble. Any one of those three answers gives me a launchpad into a mini-routine and there’s a 90% chance she’ll pick one of the three. My fourth sentence was a direct prod at her because her profile at the time was a modelling picture wearing a hat and she’s a very tall girl – I want this sexual from the off, so I mention long legs. My final message in this section is a visually evocative mythology to her. So, five sentences and job done. This was the make-or-break section of the entire chat and it worked. She’s hooked. Time to get a little normal.

Section 2 is drawing her out in rapport to tell me about herself. Usually I’ll look for a segueway into dropping a DHV – in this case having lived in Japan. I’m not teasing her because that’s too much clowning after such an irreverant start. Instead I bed it down a bit, lower the energy, and set up the next spike….

Section 3 is playfully prodding her again. I like to set up all FSU girls as some kind of KGB spies, vodka drinking thugs, or forest-dwelling snipers. Any time a girl explains she comes from a specific region, I’ll recast it as a peasant village. Google Images is good for that – just search “[her region] traditional costume” or “[her region] peasant village”. Her reaction to to qualify herself – “I do sometimes modelling” which translates as “I do something cool, I want you to be impressed”. Note how much of my concern is to manage the energy of the chat, creating peaks and troughs as if it’s music.

Textgame 2a

Anytime a girl sends you pictures of herself looking pretty or sexy, she’s trying to get you to think of her as a sexual prospect*. That doesn’t mean she actually wants to fuck, just that she wants to be seen in that way. It’s approval-seeking. When working Attraction, your response is to frustrate her expectations and to withhold that approval [2] as I do in Section 4. We’ve come a long way in a short time, from a girl who seemed fairly disinterested in me initially.

This all works to trigger Section 5 which is her now displaying an interest in me – the meta-level is that it’s “soooooo, tell me about you….. oh, cool!”. I take the opportunity to DHV and present my archetype as a talented but uncontrollable wanderer. Keen students of Mystery Method will spot that we have gotten to the end of phase A2 and midway into A3. I’ve demonstrated value, it’s hooked her in, and she’s begun to qualify herself and IOI me. I just haven’t yet IOId her back. I finish on an attraction spike and roll off. Job done for now. It doesn’t feel like she’s fishing for a date invitation so I don’t want to overstay my welcome and appear too available.

It seems many people misunderstand the point of Window On My World pings. You don’t simply tell a girl you’re eating ice cream or drinking coffee. You have to dress it up, as I do in Section 6 by self-aggrandizing my effect on Moscow’s harmony. Naturally that draws a smile.


Textgame 3

Section 7 seems trivial but just pause and consider the mechanics. I don’t respond “I’m drinking coffee too” or something equally gay and agreeable. I pick up on something so minor and still twist it into a chance to prod and challenge her. I also employ some minor comic timing with my countdown. Girls like it when you can make the mundane spectacular because in microcosm that’s what you’re doing with her boring mundane life. After that I let some more low-energy rapport prattle on so I don’t look too fizzy or clownish, then I give her mild IOIs in liking her job. Attraction material is fun and addictive but you must still bed things down and show her you’re capable of normal social interaction.

Finally I think i should try to get her onto a date so I make an ask in Section 8. She gives what is either a mild refusal or a genuine “don’t know”. I suspect the former so I decide to roll off behind a tease. My rationale is she doesn’t feel sufficiently hooked and I’ve worked hard to get this frame. Savvy giraffes like her can sniff out thirst from miles away. I don’t know if this was the right decision. That said, ask yourself this: who is driving the conversation, and who is happily letting themselves get driven along?

Textgame 4

Now I need to rebuild before the next date invite so Section 9 is a standard ping and follow-up. She’s showing enthusiasm in her messages and the speed of replying, so I figure I can build momentum quickly and soon move into another attraction spike in Section 10. If she’d been tardy or boring I’d have cut it short without Section 10 and rolled off another day. The key learning point of this section is how I build it out of absolutely nothing, I just go off and create a mini-drama.Ā I’d started to feel like light-hearted truculence would fit well so Section 11 does that. It’s all about self-aggrandizing myself rather than teasing her. I want to show that I’m confident and creative but don’t take myself too seriously. Comparing myself to both a lion and a cute dog demonstrates this.

Textgame 5

She responds positively and pulls me into rapport, then again sends me a completely gratuitous photo of her looking pretty in Section 12. I go with the rapport. She soon told me she was going on holiday and thus bad logistics intervened and she gets parked onto Long Game until my next trip. So there we have it, an example of how text game can pull in a Weak Maybe of a top-tier girl so long as you’re patient, understand female psychology, and get a little bit of good luck [3]. Will I fuck her? I’ve no idea – I’ll try ramping it up again when I’m back in her town.

[1] Esteemed readers.
[2] When running rapport, you give the expected (and sometimes unexpected) approval. Comfort requires meeting expectations so as not to agitate the amygdala.

[3] Or you could wear a pocket square, hit on trolls way below your own looks, then use absolutely laughable text “game” to filter for pure Yes girls

* And I have to re-upload a redacted image blacking her out becauseĀ now I’m reminded that people canĀ reverse image search the fucking thing. This is why we can’t have nice things.

If you thought this post patiently walked you through the art of seducing Soviet girls so you learned a lot about how to do it yourself, you should see my book. That’s the whole point of it. Then again, you could just wait until all the PUA clowns rip off this material, rename my tactics as their own, then pretend I don’t exist.