Learn how to pick up pretty young women – from the street, the bus stop, the cafe, anywhere. This system is honest, proven and above all FUN.
Nick portraitHello, My Name is Nick Krauser and I Teach Men How to Approach and Date Beautiful Women
I want to show you how it’s done. I want to show you how to confidently walk up to your ideal woman and within moments have her laughing and smiling, mesmerised by your charisma, then walk off with her number. And she’ll be thrilled to see you again.
… you’ll do this time after time, filling your life with beautiful women.
This is a precision-engineered system. After years bedding women, thousands of interactions on the streets from London to Istanbul to Rio De Janeiro, I have finally deconstructed the process. I can roll up into a new city anywhere in the world and by the end of the week have a hot local girl in my bed and dozens on my contacts list. This is what freedom looks like.
Mastery Front Cover Landing Page
Now I’ll show you how. Inside Daygame Mastery you’ll discover:
  • How to approach any woman you like with calm, charisma and conviction. No matter where you are, no matter how hot she is, you can strike up a conversation and put your best self forwards.
  • How to make an impression so strong, so exciting that she can’t get you out of her mind. She’ll tell her friends “you won’t BELIEVE what happened to me today!”
  • A precise moment-by-moment breakdown of every single step from first seeing the girl to getting her naked in your bed. There is no “black box” in my system. Every single variable is explained. You’ll always know the next step to take.
  • A full explanation of WHY it works. I uncover female psychology so you know what she’s thinking now, what she needs to move forwards, and what she’ll do next. Girls are simple  – once you know what makes them tick.
  • How to unlock natural charisma so girls like you for who you are. No money. No fancy restaurants. No sports cars. Girls will be attracted to your core personality.
Nick portraitA message from Nick Krauser, Pick Up Artist.
I’m going to tell you about a Secret Society. And right now, you’re not a member. Not only that, you don’t even believe that world exists.
Most men barely get laid. And when they do it’s hardly worth the trouble. It’s FRUSTRATINGBelieve me, I’ve been there.
It used to drive me mad. I’d walk down the street and see beautiful leggy girls glide past me. Short skirts, heels, hair flowing like a shampoo commercial. It never even crossed my mind that I could fuck them. “They must be dating footballers, or rich businessmen” I’d think. I’d try to put it out of my mind because it was too painful to see such beauty and never get a piece of it. They were out of my league.
I felt like a hungry street urchin looking through the windows at a rich man’s banquet. They lived in a DIFFERENT WORLD to me.
But somebody was fucking them. She was sucking somebody’s dick. She was lying in bed with her head on the chest of somebody. I wanted to be that somebody.
Four years and 90 hot girls later I realised there’s a Secret Society of “somebodies”.
There’s only two types of men in the world, those who “know” (the members of the society) and those who don’t.  They might as well be two different species. What’s it like to be a man who knows?
  • You can pick up a girl from the street in the middle of the daytime and be fucking her in a hotel bathroom a few hours later.
  • You are the Adventure Sex for girls who are in long-term serious relationships with the Guys Who Don’t Know. You’re their “indiscretion” nobody finds out about.
  • Any country you travel to, you can pick up local girls and have sex with them.
  • Girls give you the REAL sex. Blowjobs, anal, threesomes. They give you all the stuff they deny to Guys Who Don’t Know because they are “not that type of girl”
And here’s the BIG SECRET – Girls immediately know which type of guy you are. Right now there are a thousand little “tells” you are emitting which show her you’re a Guy Who Doesn’t Know. It’s hardwired into them. They know you are the guy who gets led a merry dance until they’ve milked you of attention and resources.
It’s not nice but that’s reality. 99% of men have never been allowed into the Secret Society. They still believe the Disney fairytale. And those guys have a barren sexual future stretching out ahead of them.
So now for the GOOD NEWS.
You can become the Guy Who Knows. I’ve laid out the path for you. There are specific actionable foolproof steps you can take to become the naturally charismatic sexworthy man. There’s no Black Box. I’ve deconstructed it all.
  • How to think about yourself and women.
  • What to say to women at each stage of the interaction.
  • How to correct your body language and subcommunication so all your signals emit Guy Who Knows.
  • How to read women to fine-tune your next step forwards.
Venue Master Model
Why I Wrote This Book
I’m not a generous person. I was genuinely conflicted about whether to write this book. It gives away ALL of my secrets. Do I really want more men forcing their way into the Secret Society and competing for my women?
The fact is I wrote this book for my own benefit. I enjoyed writing it. I knew that the act of putting it all down on paper would force me to organise my ideas. Streamline them. Deconstruct everything down to the most precise do-this-say-that level. Writing this book has improved my own success with women.
And I’ll be honest. I’m offended by how pathetic most “pick up” advice is. There’s a horde of charlatans and idiots out there. Men who’ve never fucked a hot woman are writing ebooks and presenting themselves as Players. It offends me that honest well-meaning guys are being hoodwinked by fakers who try to empty their pockets and waste years of their lives sending them on wild goose chases.
I don’t have a credibility problem. For the last four years I’ve posted more evidence of my successes (and failures) than any other pick-up instructor. If you don’t believe me, ask around. I’m not young. I’m not good-looking. I don’t have a ripped or jacked physique. I don’t host VIP tables in clubs. I don’t DJ. I don’t spend a penny on girls. Every success I have is due to learnable personal charisma.
Let me give you a little tip on how to spot if a guy has Game:
He’s fucking girls younger and better-looking that he is. Regularly.
95% of instructors are eliminated by that simple rule. And the other 5% are probably friends of mine.
But before we go any further I am guessing you’re asking yourself this question:
Will This Actually Work For ME?
In a word : YES!
Four years ago I was you. I’d never cold-approached a woman in my life. There are only two things I have that are “special”. I’m a creative thinker, and when I’m motivated to achieve a goal I am RELENTLESS.
Luckily for you, I’ve already mapped the territory and solved the problems. You don’t even need these two special traits.
The ONLY thing that matters… is your desire to attract the most stunning, intelligent, wonderful women in the world. And to live the life that you were meant to live. The life that you know deep down is the one for you.
You cannot believe the freedom I enjoy. I feel liberated. Imagine living in a world where:

  • The average age of girl I sleep with is 24 years old (I’m 39). Yes, that’s a consistent FIFTEEN YEAR age gap.
  • The average number of dates I have before sleeping with a girl is TWO. Often I sleep with her within hours of first meeting.
  • The average cost of my dates is £15. A couple of coffees and one round of beers.
  • I am not limited to any type of girl. I’ve slept with catwalk models, strippers, waitresses, business women, students.
  • I am not limited to any country. I’ve slept with girls of 37 different nationalities from cold Russian models to hot head-scarved Arabs.
Imagine a world where women don’t cost you a penny and don’t give you any bullshit. When you’re in the Secret Society they are giving you the real authentic version of themselves, not the play-act they use to tool the Guys Who Don’t Know.
The point is, the choice is YOURS.
When you get Daygame Mastery you get to see a world that 99% of guys don’t even know exists. You get to live in the top tier of men – the guys who get access to the best women – whilst everyone else is stuck with the leftovers!
Which world do you want to live in?
I’ve changed the lives of many many men. Now I can change yours. Here’s why:
For two years I’ve barely taught. I was too busy travelling the world and seducing women. My blog readers kept bugging me for a product. I kept resisting. It was time-consuming enough just posting about my adventures on the blog. Literally I was so busy dating and sexing women that I didn’t have time to write. Finally, unexpectedly, something snapped.
While travelling in Russia in June 2013 I slept with seven women in fourteen days. Sometimes I slept with two in the same day, several days running. That’s exhausting for a 39 year old man.
I caught a heavy flu. I was bed-ridden for two days and for the next three weeks I couldn’t even look at a woman. I’d gorged myself. I’d over-done it. I needed a change of pace.
So I listened.
I spent the next 6 months working non-stop to squeeze every bit of knowledge and experience that I had into a textbook that thoroughly explains the system that I developed and teach.
I committed to making it the very best book I was capable of. I determined to hold nothing back. Every single trick, hack, idea, line that works for me is in the book. I knew that once the book is done it will stand the test of time. Ten years from now when I look back I want to say “that’s the best I could’ve possibly done it.”
I won’t bore you with the stories of how hard I worked to get this book ready. Just be sure it was alot. Far harder than I ever expected. Now it’s ready. So let’s take a closer look at each component, shall we?
Actual pages from the book

Actual pages from the book

Part 1: Vibe
This chapter covers everything that happens before you stop the girl. We begin with a discussion of precisely what we are trying to achieve with daygame and what meta-level mindsets underpin it. Fundamental misconceptions about daytime pick-up are dealt with such as being too nice and showing too much of the Provider Chump weaknesses. I outline the deep rhythm of seduction, Composing The Symphony, and the importance of continuous push-pull to drive the interaction towards sex.
Next I outline how to find the right girls for you and how to use cold-reading to build a mythology around each one in order to unlock your creative energies. I provide a typology of common girl archetypes to give you a headstart. Once the girl is chosen you must deal with Approach Anxiety so I excavate to the core psychological process that inhibits you from freely opening any girl you like.
Emotional control is the basis of strong Game. This phase equips you with the correct attitudes and beliefs to manage your state while chasing girls. But we’re just getting started.
Part 2: Street
This chapter covers the process from first stopping the girl to taking her number.  There is a clearly-defined chronological progression in which you must first impose upon her with masculine dominance (The Stop) and then initiate a conversation (The Open). The purpose is to kill her physical and psychological momentum so she will stop and listen to you. You can then draw upon your mythology to create an Assumption Story about her (The Stack) that will encourage her to enjoy the conversation and wish to keep talking (Hook Point). You have now earned time to amplify her attraction to you (Vibing) and build some initial rapport (Investment) until the time is right to take her number (Commit Her).
This is a finely-tuned precise sequence of events that can be deconstructed into its many component parts that you can analyse and practise. When most people think of Daygame it is this ten-minute period on the street that springs to mind. As we shall see, it’s merely the beginning of a long journey.
Actual pages from the book

Actual pages from the book

Part 3: Intermission
Now you have the girl’s contact details you must do something about it. She has disappeared into the crowd and within minutes the electricity will fade and the rapport weaken. She is no longer directly within your aura of masculine dominance and the love bubble will pop. This phase details how to play the digital communication to get her out onto a date.
There are two routes: Short Game and Long Game, representing text / whatsapp and Facebook / Skype respectively. Usually you will try to get the girl out soon (Texting) but many leads will be logistically unfeasible so you are forced to put her into a holding pattern (Long Game). This phase gives detailed advice on how to progress the girl along either route until she has agreed a time and place to meet you.
Actual pages from the book

Actual pages from the book

Part 4: Date
There is an ideal progression on a date to move the girl from “attracted” to “ready for sex”. We will begin with a discussion of common problems in getting the girl physically in front of you, such as her lateness or attempts to reschedule at the last minute (Venue Zero). Once she’s standing there smiling at you it’s time to walk her to Venue One and begin laying the man vibe on her and drawing her into your reality. Then you’ll bounce her to Venue Two to make a deeper connection and heat her up for a kiss. I outline the twin verbal and escalation models which are step-by-step progressions. Each stage forces a reaction from the girl which you can then use to calibrate her eagerness to be escalated. Once you’ve kissed she’s ready for Venue Three in which you calm her down and clear all of the obstructions to the extraction.
Part 5: Close
Late in the date you’ll be sitting with the girl and pretty sure she wants sex. It’s time to pull the trigger and take her home. This phase has a discussion on how to extract and how to behave once she is in your house. I discuss her emotional turmoil at taking the final step off The Cliff so soon after meeting you and her coping strategy of Derailing The Train and how to deal with it. Once she’s on your bed she’ll typically give some Last Minute Resistance so I outline my bedroom escalation model to maximise the chances that this girl who wants to fuck actually does fuck. Lastly I end the phase with pointers on how to position her on your rotation or to just let her go with the minimum drama.
Part 6: Special Situations
The previous phases followed the Master Model in an approximate chronological sequence including discussion of commonly encountered problems. This phase discusses numerous What If scenarios when something unusual happens. These can be positive (a Same Day Lay opportunity presents itself) or negative (the girl starts playing Silly Buggers or your set is invaded by an interloping male). None of these situations occur often but forewarned is forearmed.
Lastly I finish the book with advice for how to manage your journey in Game over the medium term. Those of you who catch the daygame bug will experience a long emotional rollercoaster with exhilarating highs and despondent lows. This chapter tells you what to expect over the next few years and how to deal with the common player traps.
That’s 150,000 words of advanced seduction material, fully illustrated with pictures and flowcharts. I make it look so clear, so obvious that you’ll never see the world the same way again. Seriously, I could spend fifty pages writing out all of the things you’re going to learn. But I think that’s enough to recognize that you want to get your hands on this material. And once you do…
You’ll become the Guy Who Knows. You’ll be in the 1%. Seriously, I should be bundling in a membership card to the Secret Society!
Questions? Email me at krauser@rocksolidgame.co.uk
There is a world of total freedom and total abundance waiting for you. A world you didn’t know existed. I’ll be expecting your success story soon.


  1. Pingback: Daygame Nitro: Strong sexualised eye contact « Krauser's PUA Adventure

  2. I see, you flagged ManEater. Very discretely. Good.

  3. Does the content including from opening to bad or just to get the chick’s number? [to f-closing]

    • hey, i’ve already bought the book but i get the problem when i’m booking. and the LULU’s reply make me irate. I’m dealing with them now. I wish that i can get something after pay 62 euro.

      Just let you know the reason why i strongly recommend you change to another one.Because i believe that this is an amazing book, so it need to make easier to get it.

      [Thanks. This is the first time I’ve heard of a ordering problem. If anyone else has had problems please let me know. K.]

      • well, i’m complaint about the customer service, maybe i’m not in the Britain. all i got is the official reply, nothing help. But i’ve a strongly feeling that your book will help me a lots. so, i book an another one. i’m expecting it.

        keep going, krauser! if u plan to come my city, let me know.

  4. Pingback: Primary & Secondary Motivations « Johnny Milfquest's Horn of Plenty

  5. Pingback: I bang my first large-breasted 19yr old Russian exchange student « Krauser's PUA Adventure

  6. Hello,

    I actually already ordered the book from Lulu but I’d like to ask you a question:
    What is your success rate like out of all the girls you approach?

    Generally the figure tossed around by a few other “gurus” is about 10-11% for daygame; I know a few non-gurus whom I know are successful and get around this figure as well. On the other hand, some people recommend instead learning how to identify the girls that are going to be interested in you through eye contact etc and thereby increasing your success rate. Does the book go into this?


    • Actually, I would say that that is a very good question…
      Roosh is always talking about how pulling the ladies is a numbers game – could you give us a rough idea of your % success rate?

  7. Pingback: Romanian 19yr old part one: This is how I run attraction and framing « Krauser's PUA Adventure

  8. Pingback: Romanian 19yr old part two: Verbal escalation « Krauser's PUA Adventure

  9. Pingback: A street kiss close « Krauser's PUA Adventure

  10. Pingback: A juicy little blonde German « Krauser's PUA Adventure

  11. Pingback: I bang my first 19 year old Norwegian dancer « Krauser's PUA Adventure

  12. Pingback: Indirect, Direct, Indirect-Direct daygame « Krauser's PUA Adventure

  13. Pingback: Which girls do you like? « Krauser's PUA Adventure

  14. Pingback: Number closes can be a roll of the dice « Krauser's PUA Adventure

  15. Pingback: Daygame Nitro – Cheap Paperback Edition « Krauser's PUA Adventure

  16. Pingback: Simple daygame opening « Krauser's PUA Adventure

  17. Any thought to publishing an electronic version?

  18. Should have an e-book version.

  19. Hey man, I just bought your book, not because of what the favorable review said, but because of what the unfavorable review said, basically along the lines of “sexist and being physically dominant” is what sold me. Fuck yeah!

  20. Krauser, would buy a copy if you published an ebook version.

    You could self-publish via amazon at little cost and I’m sure drive more sales

  21. Daygame Nitro Softback – $20

    This link is dead. [I killed it! Thanks, I forgot to update this. K.]

  22. Hey Krauser, Love your work. I have Nitro 1st edition & Mastery. Is it worth getting Nitro 2nd Edition? [Probably not, those two together are more than enough to get good. If you’re just curious for the new content, or a bit of a book/daygame hobbyist, it’s worth it. K.]

  23. Krauser,

    happy to give feedback as I know a thing or two about marketing

    Glad to give some solid advice in return for your many killer posts

    I’m going to call out the truth, I know you will take it constructively

    1. You’ve got to rethink, first, this new web layout (dark colors). The text is difficult to read or even unreadable at times. White background with black text and a Arial or Helvetica is way to go on computer screens. You are killing the value on the site and for the sales page: if people can’t read it, you look amateurish or they don’t want to be bothered and will click away. Lost leads and lost sales. Ignore graphic designers. Draw attention to your direct, punchy, compelling writing and your message and adventures. Not the fucking graphics and ” it looks cool”. Keep the designers away from anything that needs to be read or can interfere with a sale

    2. It seems you took my advice on pricing at $97. But I also advised you on positioning the book for Sigmas as you would have been first in category and would have stood out dramatically in the overall “Game” marketplace.

    You stayed with the “Daygame” theme and the problem is that you are now in a swamp competing against companies Daygame.com, and even clowns like Jeremy Soul at Nick Savoy’s Love Systems operation. They have been around longer and probably have advertising budgets or more buzz. So new prospects will be skeptical of yet another “me-too”.

    Even if you are actually superior ( I believe you are) your product runs the risk of looking like yet another “me-too” product – yet another daygame book – and you have a higher hill to climb to talk people into why you are the daygame product they should buy

    One solution to your current problem:

    Focus on WHO you are for: higher end, sophisticated, intelligent guys going for “younger hotter tighter”. Your message should be: This book is how to get THE hottest ass, and I proved it on the hottest yet toughest pussy to pull in the world (FSU). I am THE guy for this particular market niche – and let me show you demonstration after demonstration, example after example

    In the sales letter you might want to have a section where you run through 12 of these girls , with pics. How hot she was, how much shit testing she gave you, how you blew through her shit tests to conquer her. And you did it all based on your method which you are now sharing piece by piece, no stone unturned, limited copies, for just $97

    Your demonstrations and proof of this will be key in the sales letter. So your marketing should be all about this story – explaining and showing all this hot ass you gamed during the day. You went from chode to sigma, and are still an average looking guy, but more important, there is no PUA around who can ‘touch’ the quality of girls you are banging. It needs to be shown and explained

    This is all you need. Hammer in that one position in the market – if you want the hottest, and you yourself are a high end guy with legitimate potential, I am your guy. Look at all these hot girls I’ve gamed, and I started where you are. No other PUA is in my uncharted territory.

    Your pricing strategy also backs this up. You are priced high enough so people think – this guy must be what he is claiming to be – the premium guy.

    Another good idea is to write a little about who you are NOT for: I am not for Indian chodes, Gammas who won’t change, PUA pretenders, etc, etc. This will dramatize your sales message. A prospect will think- if this guy is actually disqualifying potential buyers left and right, he must be for real.

    Continued good luck. Enjoy your pay days my capitalist friend, you’ve earned them [Thanks for giving this so much thought, you raise some good ideas I’ll chew over. I’ve actually got a sigma-based product coming out later this year, you’ll see. There’s a lot of content in the works. I finally took the (many) hints and dispensed with the dark background. This sales letter is a draft for cold traffic guys who don’t know me or the community well. I think I don’t need to write a sales letter for my regular readers – they already know what I’m about and if they’re interested – those guys just need to see a few reviews to see if the book is what it’s cracked up to be. K.]

  24. A few more points after reading the current sales letter again:

    – A lot of what you’re saying in the current letter, your prospects have already heard elsewhere and before : ” how to become the guy who knows”, “what world do you want to live in”, ” how I wrote this book”. Good material but consider putting it all into one paragraph. Prospects have heard this or will see this everywhere else . So the effect is less, you appear to be more of the same, there is no compelling reason to buy you over someone else

    -Do a paragraph on your divorce. “The worst day of my life -shell shocked.” Mention 2009- ” a year I never even got laid” Abject failure, you want to pour it on

    -Next Para- look at me now. The dramatic leap. As of 2013., I fucked 29 8+ ( whatever the number is) cold off the street. And here are the 12 of my very best.

    Your buyer wants that dramatic leap- anonymous Joe chump to star-fucker. This is unrealistic, but this is what interests newcomers. You are simply shortening the time-frame.

    – Cut back on the “how I wrote the book” and the many features of the book. A new prospect to any product is not interested so much in the mechanics of the product. But rather who you appear to be and how different , “only”, ” one of a kind” you are in the marketplace. Your singularity Who you are for, who you are not for. This is what grabs them. Any Game product buyer is already in a world of hurt: you need to push the button of “you’re a guy who is suffering right now” , but don’t make it the focus of the sales piece. It’s being done everywhere by your competitors. Focus on what makes you singular and different ,

    -A good line: “Krauser: only for a Select Few Men who want the Very Best Young Pussy.” Tweak the wording but this is the gist. This WILL get attention. Its extreme even controversial. Controversy gets attention. Exclusivity, high-end, Svengali superpowers on almost unbelievably gold young 22 yr old pussy off the street in broad daylight, the code cracked -but only for a select few men. You are different, you are rare in the parade of PUA’s online – and here are 12 demonstrations of my actual conquests. But it is only for certain men. If I can do this in FSU, toughest on planet, you my prospect can do it in New York, London, LA. Cut back on how you don’t spend money to get girls -this pie in the sky sales pitch works on the masses but these are not your guys. You are attracting cheapskates. Even though you dont spend money to get laid, Talk about your intelligence, wittiness, creative mind to get your girls – your core high end market can relate to this. It ‘s a boon to their ego, ( they see themselves as this) and they can relate

    -Consider putting the names of your biggest competitors in the titles of future YouTube videos, such as Soul, and then doing a civil, but pointed videos on what exactly is wrong, generally, with the “mainstream” Daygame advice. Be the Sigma outsider attacking the “usual way of day gaming”.

    This is a zero cost way to ride the online coattails of your competitors online. Every guy who buys Love Systems or any other product WILL Google the name of the PUA to see what comes up before they buy. You want “Krauser” to come up on that Page One search of “Daygame Competitor X” for example. If you do not, you run the risk of a prospect never even knowing you exist and losing the sale. A pointed video which leads to people checking out your blog could win you that sale away from a competitor. You want to pay attention to who your legitimate competitors are, and what they are saying. Because your money will be made by beating them to new sales. You want a new prospect to see you when they Google your competitors and say – wait, who the fuck is this guy.

    Consider getting your London cohort of Jabba, Matrix, Torero to join you in being sort of the renegade but high class English outsiders who are crushing it with very hot broads – and all of you be more vocal about how you are doing it a bit more sophisticated and effective than the other Daygamer rubes in the states. The tone is civil , but you want to generate some controversy. Controversy gets attention, and attention leads to sales

    This is also a “Cartel” strategy – where a faction of a market supports each other against other competitors. Everyone in the cartel will make money , some will do better than others. But you chip away at your larger competitors with a concerted effort

    • I think the website now looks very good, but some sections should be actualised or removed. There are 7 sections in the upper banner. I think “commercial” could be removed,the info about you not teaching could be included in “books” or replaced with “products” for future video based stuff. I would rewrite FAQ to be more newcomer friendly. To me you appear more high-end now and too offensive tone is not genuine anymore. It is unnecessary to make enemies out of possible customers (Imagine someone only read Daygane.com and now sees this, they need gradual development to evolve into ruthless dirty daygamers…) that overtly. “Flags” don’t really add to the site, maybe these could be in another section as a minor point. Personally I’d also include “Daygame model” pictures in “Books” section but this is debatable.
      So it would be “Home, Books, Products, Interviews, FAQ.” Clean, high-end and up to date.
      Regarding the side banner, too many columns don’t look good and dilute the message, I’d consider shortening it maybe to friends: Tom, Steve, Bodi, Cervantes and Manosphere aggregator. To practitioners – guys who really convey similar message and then one aggregator site.

      • If possible I’d also choose one youtube channel and remove/make private other channels, especially those old infields unless you have new infields to show where you are now. People find those old infields every time they type Krauser into youtube and they see your game from 2010. You need one strong channel (probably krauserinfields, renamed to krauserpua or nickkrauser) just as Tom has now.
        But avoid the trap of too graphic site like Tom’s. Very slow, I also hate how his video loads every time you visit the main site.

  25. Read your Daygame Mastery Book. Good info but some of it was hard to fallow or keep track of especially when it talks about at what points to use certain body language while verbally being in certain parts of the model. Im re-reading it, taking notea and underlining things. If you ever do a second edition I suggest you highlight the sentences with the important statement of what one must do during set. That way if the reader want to review he can go back and easily re-read what must be done and skip the theory behind it. I have created a small chart on the body language chapter (Stage 2.1: the stop, pg. 78) that i can easily go back and review. I can email a pic of it to you and you should consider adding something like it if you ever do a second edition. [Sure, send the pic over and let me see what you did. K.]

  26. Will the book come out as an ebook, kindle, pdf? That’s what I want. I am sure it is gold but probably weighs a ton. When it does, I’ll buy the first copy.

  27. Hi Nick,

    I think I saw you this week in Prague. I want to buy the book Daygame Mastery and would like to ask you if you have one with you so that you give it to me personal so taht I don’t need to pay for the delivery [No, sorry. K.]


  28. Nick, just bought and am finishing Balls Deep and am now trying buy Daygame Mastery. I am using the code you gave a couple of days ago but the discount is not taking. Help me out here brother. [The code was only active to 31/12. K.]

  29. My thoughts on Krauser’s latest book ‘Balls Deep’

    This is a ‘no holes’ barred account of Nick’s personal journey (I could not resist the sexist pun)

    For the would-be street seducer it is clear the path is fraught with uncertainty
    ‘Balls deep’ is an appropriate title because it is not just about the physical act it is about developing a pair

    I read it twice, first to absorb it and then to study it
    Other similar books dwell too much on the authors successes which make the reader suspicious
    This does not, and the early pain about marriage failure, starting over and plotting a lonely path through London is clear

    It is also refreshingly about a guy entering middle age, therefore it opens the reader’s mind to the possibility of dating younger women
    ‘Younger, hotter, tighter’ as he puts it, his own personal mantra. This book is unashamedly masculine, and not appropriate for those who embrace monogamy or are just prudes
    But don’t make the mistake of assuming Nick is not articulate and lower-rates women. He is clearly well read and knowledgable on societal and philosophical matters, most appropriate for female conversation. His approach does not rely on looks or outward displays of wealth and status or even money

    So the book documents his journey and coming to terms with himself
    The chapter on ‘The Black Mamba’ was brilliant, also the text sexualisation sequence reduced me to tears

    The transition from hapless singleton to competent street seducer is not clearly explained, other than through sheer persistence over a long-time
    Perhaps some insights into how he developed a stronger frame and a ‘sense of entitlement’ could be explained more

    Interestingly Nick at the end does not feel fulfilled by his successes or his appetite quenched
    The book does end rather abruptly making the reader wonder what new worlds (or girls) will be conquered ie where does he go next (is the only way down?)

    In short this is a highly enjoyable and informative read

    Aim to be her lover, not the provider

  30. I have to laugh, you guys have it all wrong, just be yourself dammit and buy the girl flowers adnd be a gentleman, don’t ask other guys what works, there is no system, we are not robots, just ask you mother how to be a gentleman, what compliments to give the girl, just make her feel like the most wonderful girl in the world, just listen to that justin Bieber song “girlfreind” or that one about the only girl in the world, now who do you think attracts more girls Justin or Krauser? I rest my case. Now you may ask do I get lots of girls? No, but that is because I am saving myself for the right one until I am can shower her with cars and jewellery, is she going to take your cock or a diamond ring? You guys are all acting desperate, I am 28 and I have’nt even ever masturbated and that is a good thing, you will get a lot of work done.

  31. Hey guys, Ian here bought both books, mastery is amazing any more in pipline? iwant to purchase daygame overkill next, also ntrigued by commisoned artwork want to write a comic myself wondering who was commisioned for artwork Nick cheers [Just browse elance K.]

  32. Hey Krauser,
    I love the work and reading the balls deep posts got me really interested in your work. What do you recommend for a daygame beginner? My inner game is fairly solid, although I have an issue maintaining conversation. I also have the issue of appearing as a sexual possibility for women. Few times too many women have said that they couldn’t seeing me doing anything sexual(lol) so I would like to change that too.

    Would you recommend Primal Seduction or Mastery?
    Zai [I’m working on a beginner product at the moment. K.]

  33. Just finished Mastery and it is truly a masterpiece. I’ve read a lot of books on game and nothing else comes close to this quality. It is fully comprehensive and instructive, and free of sugar-coating. I had felt very lucky when I stumbled across the Daygame Blueprint when I was starting out, and it was great for me as a beginner, but Mastery has helped me move beyond that “You look really nice, let’s be friends” style.

    It’s a shame, however, that what is probably the book with the world’s best dating advice is marketed only towards the ultra-niche market of intermediate daygamers. With moderate rework, the texting-through-bedroom section could be sold as a dating book for all men, even those without an interest in pickup. Granted, the content would be outside the grasp and comfort zone of most of these men, but, with a market four orders of magnitude larger, there would still be a much larger audience to benefit. [Thanks for the kind words. I don’t suppose you could post something on the Lulu sales page? K.]

  34. Hi Nick.
    Thanks for a thorough book in Daygame Mastery. Read 1/3 of it and it’s already worth the money.

    I am an intermediate daygamer (& INFJ), been doing it for 20 months, and currently at a crossroad. Some of your stuff, especially that of self-acceptance, the path to happiness, really made me stop and think. I know you didn’t write an inner game book – but if you went through a similar challenge on that topic, do you care to share how you solved it? I will likely continue game no matter what, as it is fun & I don’t care for nightclubs either, but feel I can’t not investigate the topic of self-acceptance as I don’t want to just “treat the syptoms” using game.
    (I have previously cured myself “90%” through this awesome lady @ getesteem.com. So, self-acceptance/self-esteem is relevant for me outside your book).

    Hope you have time. Either way, thanks again for a great book alongside Daygame Beginner. Big fan of you & Tom. [Thanks for the kind words. I think most of what I’ve written about this is in an as-yet unfinished book. Presumeably you’re too impatient to wait 6+ months until that’s finished, so I’d try reading Dale Carnegie’s old classics: How To Win Friends And Influence People, and How To Stop Worrying And Start Living. K.]

  35. I still train with Bruce Lee, I am telling you, because you is the Bruce Lee of Day Game

  36. Out of 460 pages, how long are parts 4 (date) and 5 (close) please?

  37. Pingback: Introducing Ferguson Curly | Rivelino's Diary

  38. Lulu have: 30% on all print books and calendars until 6 December 2015 with code WEEKEND30.

    Here’s to wishing you a Happy Christmas.

  39. I’ve read everything about seduction. I dont want to say names, but I have to. Since 2013 I read about seduction, and after each book I always had the feeling I needed something more. I have read, analyzed and summarized in this three years every product of venusian arts (including tsl online), kezia noble, richard laruina, justin wayne dating, mark manson, mario luna and alvaro reyes. None of them had given me such a great structure in a book. So perfectly summarized and clear. After reading Daygame Mastery I knew: I have to go out, and yes, since then I began to go out. I dont have more excuses, Daygame Mastery presents you every step you can and you should normally follow. It is just perfect. I have also bought the Black Book and it’s absolutely worth it. I dont regret a single cent of this purchase, I’m 100% sure this has been my money worth. [Thanks boss. I’m not the only guy with good material but I’m certainly better than the usual famous PUA clown. K.]

  40. Hi, I was looking around the blog, in Daygame Beginner we can see you talk about looks and fashion. Is this the case in Mastery as well?
    Thanks. [No. Mastery is all technical game. K.]

  41. Hi nick, it seems you have been having some trouble with your r selected day game bounce backs of late and I am here to offer a solution. In the beginning r selected day game gets the greater lays than the s selected one but sometimes when the women do not respond well to it you can actually make it happen by becoming more s selected, there seems to be a polarity at work in day game which shifts for example the initially masculine dominance followed by the dialling down of energy and letting her invest, which in essence is her taking the dominant masculine role as the polarity shifts. Let me know how this works out. I am thinking about writing a book actually of completely new content on day game. [You have got to be shitting me. K.]

  42. Daygame Mastery is THE BEST book you will EVER read about Daygame. Yes, it IS step by step and has a clear path of seduction, cibergame, date, logistics, tests, what to say, when to say it and a lot of other general advice for each stage.
    I’ve read nearly every book you could read about seduction and this was the best. The order is clearly logical and you will never have to think again about what to do next. The best way to implement this is with his “black book”, specially the last video where all the kino steps are clearly showed.
    Thank you for making this book! [Thanks for the kind words. K.]

  43. Hi, I live in South Africa. How can I get my hands on this book please?
    If there now is an e-version, please let me know.

  44. Pingback: You should read the Nick Krauser books on game, like “Adventure Sex” – The Red Quest

  45. I just saw your venue 3 day model which requires you to take a taxi, to take her to my home but now the problem is the taxi fare is to high for me i CANT AFFORD IT so is it possible if I take her to my home by public bus/ walking

    • “so is it possible if I take her to my home by public bus/ walking”

      It is utterly, totally impossible. No one, ever, in the history of the world, has ever done this. If you are the first, you will achieve an accomplishment akin to Neil Armstrong walking on the moon, or the guy who first sold pre-sliced bread.

  46. Pingback: The best books for learning game – The Red Quest

  47. Hi Nick,

    What book would you recommend for Daygame beginners?

    Are any of your books for beginners? If so which one? [Beginners Daygame. K.]

    Do you plan to write a book on inner game? If not, what books/resources would you recommend to use for guys who want to improve this area of their life. [Daygame Infinite and Womanizers Bible. K.]


  48. Pingback: 2 years on… …is daygame worth it? – Runner Daygame

  49. Pingback: The three-date “rule” before sex – The Red Quest

  50. Pingback: Lay Report – Teenage Dream To Teenage Scream – Lee Cho Daygame

  51. Pingback: Lay Report – Young, Fresh & Full Of Retro – Lee Cho Daygame

  52. Pingback: 10 Questions with Thomas Crown PUA – Lee Cho Daygame

  53. Pingback: Lay Report – Another Kind Of “SDL” – Lee Cho Daygame

  54. Pingback: Think like a girl: calibration, social IQ, and empathy/sympathy. – redpilldad

  55. Pingback: Game isn’t “natural”: this is about NUMBERS and a LEARNED skillset–plus RESOURCES! – redpilldad

  56. Pingback: The holy quad of meeting women: location (numbers), logistics, SMV, and most of all, Game. – redpilldad

  57. Pingback: News Briefs – 07/30/2021 | Anonymous Conservative

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