Big Game Hunting

October 28, 2017

Jared slowly shuffles forwards through the undergrowth on his elbows and knees, his hunting rifle cradled in his arms. Brush scratches at his face and the midday African sun beats down hard. He’s grateful for the shade offered by his wide-brimmed hat and the sweet succour of his water flask.

Water supplies are running low, as are the other provisions in his small backpack. He’s been in the bush for over a week now, tracking the king lion. He picked up the lion’s trail on the second day, tracked him for hours, then lost it again. There were several days of nothing, just casting around searching for spoor and carefully observing the behaviour of other African wildlife for any hints of his quarry’s movements.

Jared was tired. Sleepy. Beaten down. But he was still focused on the prize.


There’s a noise from a large copse of trees a few hundred yards away. A few birds are startled into the air then wheel away to fly over the horizon. Jared investigates. He reaches the copse and his heart races – he’s found tell-tale spoor of a lion. He follows the trail.

Hours pass. He once thinks he catches sight of the beast through dense trees. It was just a flash of colour and movement. He’s not even sure he saw it. Nerves taut, his eyes seeing everything, he follows the tracks to the best of his ability. And ability honed over years.

When it happens, it happens fast.

Dead silence, eerie, and then suddenly the crack of tree branches snapping and a roaring fiend leaps from the gloom. Jared rolls, raises his rifle, and lets off a shot. The huge beige shape flies overhead, so close he can smell it’s perspiration, but so fast it’s a blur. He thinks he hears a yelp of pain as well as a flash of red blood.

As fast as it came, the beast has disappeared. Jared lies on his back, pushed up against a fallen log, his heart pounding and his knuckles white from gripping the rifle close to his chest. What just happened? Did he hit the lion? Why did it suddenly retreat?


For two more days he tracks the beast but his water runs low and he’s forced to trek back to base camp, empty-handed. He arrives as dusk has settled over the plains. Light peeks out from inside once of the tents and there are sounds of merry-making. He rests his rifle against a rock and ducks inside the tent, announcing his return.

There’s another hunter there, one he’s never met before. He must’ve stumbled across the camp while on an expedition of his own. A big husky man with impressive side whiskers and a ragged checked shirt. He introduces himself as Robert and pours Jared a draught of ale from his bottle.

Soon they are sharing hunt stories.

“I bagged four just last week” boasts Robert, grinning widely. “It was quite a haul. How about you?”
“Nothing” muttered Jared. It wasn’t uncommon to spend two weeks in the bush and never take down the big game. “Nothing in ten days.”
Robert poured him another drink and slapped him on the back in good humour. “Never mind. Come out with me on the next trip. I’ll show you how it’s done.”

The next day the pair are riding horses through the plains. Jared looks around but they seem to be riding away from lion country. A few hours later they crest a hill and on the other side is an oasis. A herd of wildebeest are drinking at the water source. Robert slides off his horse and shoulders a high-powered rifle with scope.

“Watch this” he says and kneels down.

He sights onto a fat wildebeest sleeping in the shade of a tree, then lets off three shots. Two strike the ground but the third hits the sleeping animal in the head, killing it.


“Now wait” he says, and lights up a tobacco pipe. A few hours later the herd moves on and Robert walks down to the dead animal. “There’s number one. I’ve got a good feeling about this trip.”

Jared shakes his head. Technically, you could call this hunting, he thinks. Somehow it doesn’t feel like the same thing.

Reading Body Language Of Girls

October 18, 2017

As will become clear from Daygame Infinite, calibration is key to advanced daygame. It’s the elusive skillset all wannabe players chase, the ability to know where a girl is at psychologically and therefore what you need to do next. Is she into me? Is she up for it? Is she telling the truth? [1]

Lie to me

“okay, so you average seven girls a month but you lost your phone with all the evidence on it….”

Good daygamers are body language experts [2] which is exactly what you’d expect considering key aspects of daygame are:

  • an incredible amount of social contact with new people
  • constant formulation and testing of behavioural hypotheses
  • both you and the girl have skin in the game
  • constant diagnostics and debriefing to promote continuous learning.

When you’ve spent two years and two thousands sets on the daygame beat you’ll have a finely attuned radar for reading a girl’s body language. You won’t know everything, and there will be large gaps in your knowledge [3], but you are far sharper than before you began. Additionally, if you’ve done sufficient inner game work to smooth out your own mental kinks then you’ll be better able to perceive the data clearly rather than have your ego get in the way [4]

Daygame Infinite goes into considerable detail on how to calibrate. I’ll say more at a later date [5] but for now I want to make a recommendation for all you would-be body language experts. I’ve found a fantastic YouTube channel that uploads dozens of interviews and speeches from the news and then analyses the speaker for tells of honesty and deception. I’ve watched little else these past few evenings and I’d like to pass on the tip.

The channel proprietor is clearly a Trump supporter so some of you [6] may take umbrage at that but it’s pretty easy to filter that stuff out. She also has videos which are completely non-political such as serial killers, crisis actors, and abuse survivors. You can quite easily pass on the Hillary and Podesta videos and still have lots of non-triggering material to learn from her.

So, what is there to learn? I’d say Bombard’s Body Language channel is especially good for the following:

  • Focus on the tiniest of signals above the large amounts of worthless noise. Body language reading requires you to appreciate just how small the key signals can be, and how you need to be expecting them to see them. Daygame is just like that, such as the flash of attraction that may pass through a girls eyes, letting you conclude “she fancies me”
  • The importance of tuning out from the content of the speaking to instead see what the body is telling you.
  • The ways of spotting “portrayal”, her word for when a speaker is seeking to fake particular emotions. One such clue is real emotions have many tells appearing together (e.g. a smile is both mouth and eyes) whereas portrayal is usually only one isolated tell at a time.
  • Understanding that sometimes you aren’t getting any relevant information about the topic you wish to address, because you haven’t sent out the appropriate probe. This is especially relevant to escalation: you can’t judge feedback signals if you never triggered the feedback by sending the probe

I’ve linked a few good videos in this post but I thoroughly recommend the channel. It’ll get lots of you verbal-obsessives closer to the real world of game: subcommunication.

[1] If she’s female and moving her mouth, probably not
[2] Whereas high-volume spam approachers most definitely are not. They try to compensate for their lack of skill by brute-forcing it with volume until a Yes Girl takes them all the way to bed.
[3] Because we are scanning mostly for signs of interest and availability, rather than other signs such as truth-telling
[4] Many beginners mistake social hook point for sexual interest, for example, because they don’t want to face the fact they probably aren’t very attractive to women yet
[5] Or else all my points will be quickly uploaded into a free YouTube video without credit, as seems to happen suspiciously often
[6] The faggots, traitors and morons

If you are interested in calibration while picking up girls, you’re gonna fucking love Daygame Infinite. I’d best keep cracking on with getting it ready for publication, shouldn’t I?

Some Daygame Infinite updates

October 3, 2017

Right then dickheads valued readers, here’s an update on my tortuously long daygame textbook project. Fuck me, if I’d realised writing an entire textbook full of new content was gonna be this hard I’d have just drunk my own piss or something instead.

Do you want to know a little about the book writing process within the esteemed halls of Sigma Wolf? You do, don’t you….. okay, you twisted my arm. I’ll tell you. But first, a screen grab of the draft Infinite layout.

Infinite screen grab 1

If you’re wondering why I picked a page with relatively few ground-breaking ideas…. well…. I think you can guess. Anyhoo, the process.

First thing I did with Infinite is audio record a bunch of my dates with a dictaphone and get them transcribed. I read through the transcripts and let ideas percolate for how I could use them to tease out dating strategy in a book.

Second thing I started typing away with my ideas as and when they came into my mind, beginning the middle of 2016 until by the end of the year I had 25k words or so. At this point the book at no shape and I was still trying to figure out its direction. I showed these scribblings to a few friends.

By early 2017 I’d organised things into a structure and figured out… wait…. you don’t give a shit do you? You just want another screen grab to whet your appetite. Go on then…

Infinite screen grab 3

So anyway… blah blah blah… who gives a fuck. The important fact is that today’s the day I finished my final edit of the last bit of text. I’ve now entered the most fun stage of book publishing which is bossing around my minions. I think it’ll take all month to get it done, and on the task list is the following:

  • Draft layout of the full book, to the standard shown in these screen caps (current status: 3/4 done)
  • Commission additional caricature art to replace the placeholder art shown in current layout (current status: 1/3 done)
  • Prettify the draft layout so it looks more whizz-bang-woohoo such as adding photos and flowcharts (current status: 0/2 done)
  • Finalise hardback cover design (current status: 3/4 done)
  • Check for typos, errors, accidental private info (current status: zero)
  • Write additional content to squeeze in if I have time on my hands and nothing better to do with it  (current status: zero)

Infinite screen grab 4

So I stress again that these screen captures are not the final product but they ought to give you a good idea where things are headed. What’s that you say? One more screen grab? Okay…..

Infinite screen grab 5