Nick Krauser Coaching Testimonial

April 16, 2022

I’m now something of a PUA ghost when it comes to blogging and writing books [1] but I’m still doing some coaching. I was in Zagreb last week to do a few days with some enthusiastic daygamers. Here’s a client’s assessment in his own words. Thanks Mr C…….

I did a one-on-one residential with Nick Krauser, here’s my review.

I was approximately 4 years and 50 daygame notches into my journey when our meeting took place, so although I did get decent results I felt I had plateaued. Daygame wasn’t as much fun anymore – often times it felt like I was merely going through the motions to reach my minimal monthly diet of fresh meat. I also felt there was room for improvement – like something was missing – so I wanted an expert, one of the OG’s of daygame, to diagnose me to point out potential blind spots. My hope was that this would put the fun back into daygame and help me improve my results.

Having read and seen Nick’s material it was obvious that he has a knowledge of game that is at a different level compared to any other PUA-instructor I’ve ever come across.

Sure, a beginner may not need much more than a technical introduction to the London daygame model and being pushed into set, but let’s face it; being a consistent daygamer for more than a couple of months will eventually (hopefully…) force you to dig deeper than that and really think about a multitude of things.

Early in the process I did a couple of sets and Nick diagnosed me – he was able to rapidly spot a number of bad habits I had developed and that needed to change. Feedback was brutally honest and direct but respectful. If you want to pay a coach for patting your back and telling you you’re doing just fine – don’t hire Nick (and don’t expect to ever get good results from daygame or in life in general). As expected, my current strengths were also mentioned.

Some things we went through in detail were:

  • Street presence
  • Vibe
  • Different kinds of stops
  • Different kinds of IOI’s
  • Various gambits you can pull off when approaching with a wing
  • Suggestions for improving style (clothing etc)
  • Various other topics that naturally emerged from whatever the current context was

I’m very happy I did a residential with Nick.

He has a profound understanding of the subtleties of social interactions and conveys his knowledge in an easily digestible and concise manner. Also, I’d like to mention that he was very generous with his time. Obviously don’t expect more than the contractually agreed number of hours, but I’m grateful for having received vastly more than expected for no additional charge.

I am coaching 5-day residentials for £7k GBP. Have a look at this page for details.

[2] The final memoir will eventually come out, but it’s a low priority right now.


  1. Any chance you’d do Bitcoin coaching for a fee?

  2. Random question Krauser, but what philosophers are your views most aligned with?

    I feel I am similar to you in personality, and would like to have the same ‘sigma male’ transformation that you had…totally leaving behind guilt and social conditioning etc.

    Any books or philosophers that align closely with your general attitude to life?


    Interesting article. A balanced approach to Tom Torero as a person, both his good sides and his miscalculations.

  4. Hey Krauser, hope you’re well.

    I wanted to know what you think of all this Andrew Tate stuff? Especially considering now he’s been cancelled everywhere…even gmail and bank accounts apparently.

    I know you were critical of him a few years ago.

    The last few months, I saw a guy that inspired a generation of demoralized, deadened men…someone who was speaking some harsh truths in a very charismatic way. Someone who by virtue of his charisma, was actually capable of changing how young western men will be.

    I think the powers that be absolutely shat themselves and knew he had to be gone from everywhere. I think it’s a huge shame, because if you look at young Anglosphere men today, they are absolutely limp and deadened inside.

    What do you think?

    • To hell with cocksmoker Andrew Tate.

      Boys need to learn from men of experience who have walked the walk, not marketing-first dipshits pumped full of steroids and crap who fake it until they make it but once they’ve made it there’s just nothing there but copy and paste bullshit that’s been circulating online on one form or another for almost 25 years now.

  5. Krauser, would you be able to email me the screenshots from Sonny Arvado that exposed Jmulv as paying for hookers? That post from facebook as well as the actually screenshots that Sonny took?

    I saw them with my own eyes a few years ago but I never took screenshots. Now I got a buddy who defends jmulv with his life. I tried showing him your expose on him but he still wont believe. [Your buddy is a moron who can’t be saved. Anyone who can’t spot JMULV as a fraud using just their own eyes is gonna be taken time and time again. K.]

    I think the screenshots are the only way he will believe. Send me them in an email, if you can, thanks.

  6. Where is Krauser now? Does somebody know if he is okay?

    • I’m sure he’s OK. He completed his ‘hero’s’ journey in this area. Today’s public world is such a clown world that he’s probably gone more private, like most people.

      It’s a sad time where so many manosphere icons of the 2010s are not so present anymore.

  7. Ah don’t you just love those here today gone tomorrow new stations? We’ve left you this Krauser I’m sure your readers will join us by the floods upon reading this hit piece!

  8. However heartedly you try disrupt, our southern students population/customers will continue using our facilities. Please BroodingSea stop defecating on our floors and washing your balls in the sink.

  9. No theres not 5 million illegals. That’s racist trash. You are a racist Brooding and you are a BNP supporter you just don’t have the guts to say so. I am pretty certain who you vote for. You got that from the BNP and they don’t have any evidence to support that either.

  10. Hello!
    After reading Daygame Mastery Me and my ex met and had our daughter Stephanie 8 months ago and now she’s making me pay maintenance although her and her family are not letting me see my child. I mean how can you justify that?

  11. Remember you said in your finest hour, “I don’t mind abuse so long as it is witty, it’s those knuckledraggers i can’t stand”. Since you’re deleting my comments doesn’t that make you a hypocrite BroodingSea?

  12. Emailed you with some coaching questions

  13. Now that the Liver King has come clean can we expect BroodingSea to aswell?

    • “I began to test for some some physical compliance but she she was uncomfortable with this so I held back.”

      “We walked directly to my hotel and it was plain sailing.”

      You’ve blagged it here mate lmfao.

      I still think you were brilliant in your first 1000 sets.

  14. Krauser,
    Your website and materials, along with Roosh and Chateau Heartiste, completely changed my life for the better back in 2013-17. I vibed with your material (I had studied Austrian economics too) and found it the most actionable and actually worked.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting it out your knowledge publicly. Wishing you the best in the years ahead.

  15. To echo Michael’s words, I owe you a few drinks for the notches I’ve had over the past year or two from your courses etc. Will be in Belgrade April 6 – 10, so if you’re about, get yourself nicely hammered on me.

  16. When can we hear more from you Nick?

  17. Where are you Krauser ? Miss your takes. You contributed so much to this sphere, a living legend.

    Hope you’re doing well now, would love to hear an update about what you’re focussing on now.

  18. Can you write an article about what your dating life is like now? Are you interested in marriage or family?

    Or has game jaded you towards settling down?

  19. Hey so, got some advice from a lawyer about having a fam without risk of child support. This is thanks to all the legal fighting for the rights of lesbo marriages that has happened in the last five to ten years.

    Turns out if you just get two, marry them to each other, and file sperm donor paperwork, you ought to be fine. They have no claim on you for anything, and the only way to totally block access to the kid is for both to run off at the same time.

    If you can’t get two, just marry yours to your non-working sister or single mother and file the donor paperwork. That way the custody fight is with someone who’s both broke, and related to the kid. Who knows which way the judge goes, but it won’t be the normal fight, you can sit in the gallery and laugh.

    Or at least that’s my plan, thanks for all the help Nick, I couldn’t have landed these birds without you.

  20. What happend to you Nick? Did Tate scare you off with some behind the scenes stomping?

    • I imagine Tate’s too busy being bummed by his brother whilst under house arrest. can’t imagine there’s much else to do once the shitposting loses its fun.

  21. Checking on you Nick, anywhere on social I can keep up with ya mate?🤙🏻🤙🏻

  22. Please do a review of Todd V’s system. [Nah. I recently saw one of his sales pages for some bullshit inner circle monthly subscription product. Fuck that guy, he’s a scammer now. So many lies in his marketing, overpromsing clients so he can take their money. K.]

  23. Hi Nick! Some time ago I´ve purchased DayGame OverKill, but right now I cant see it anymore. What happened?

  24. Man, I, and i’m sure others, would love to hear your perspective on where game is at these days and just overall take on the PUA world. Miss your intellect Nick, please come back to blogging someday!

    • Thanks. I’m not interested in PUA anyone, just the occasional coaching. Nobody has caught up with Daygame Infinite from 2018 much less surpassed it. Everything I see online is imbecilic waffle and bullshit (like IG “game”) and all the good coaches have stopped coaching. It’s a total shitshow nowadays. The only decent daygame I see is individual self-motivated men who are savvy enough to recognise the best material and then put together their own training plan and stick to it. About the only person making a competent go of talking/coaching the LDM nowadays is Thomas Crown but that’s only if you want reheated content from my books and videos. Nothing new there but at least he understands it and can do it for real, which is more than I can say for the rest of them.

      • What about BroodingSea? How competent is Broody Brooding Sea? I respect your decision. I’m sending you my wishes. [He’s a good coach. K.]

      • Ah man well its the end of an era. Miss your writing, followed your journey all the way through. Hard to imagine you not into it anymore. But understandable. What are you doing these days, do you game at all? Are you just living a reclusive life? Wondering if the whole “woke” movement and everything has contributed to you losing enthusiasm. I know you were already burning out a bit, but you’ve seemed ambiguous about it since 2018. [My lifestyle hasn’t changed much. Just less women and less drinking. K.]

      • sorry meant to say “ambivalent”

        not ambiguous

      • Interesting. And what about Brooding Sea? In his recent book, he challenges some fundamentals of LDM [We disagree. My feedback to him was that he is criticizing a straw man of the LDM, not the LDM. K.]

  25. Hello Nick,

    is there any possibility to aquire a copy of “little brown sex machines?” Been searching for this for ages, it’s the only item missing from my Krauer Collection.

    I know the content is inclued in “Last man banging” btw., just would be hyped to get a copy dedicated to this single episode.


  26. Seasons greetings Nick,

    I’m tired of being a player and breeding player culture. I got 20 girls from daygame this year. Is it true you are beavering away on a book about how to date and marry the modern woman? Will there be a post coming soon regarding this? Cheers. [Nope. No plans to release any more textbooks. K.]

  27. Shalom nik,

    Anybody else bored this holiday?

    genuinely what does an elite daygamer/coach like you do on boxing day? [Dodonpachi Dai Fukkatsu K.]

  28. Hey Nick,

    I want to thank you for sharing your views and opinions with the rest of us during all these years. There are certain realities that can only be navigated by men that don’t shy away from conflict, such as yourself. To see them leaving the public arena is sad but then again you have to move – we all get it.

    I am convinced that no matter which project you choose to pursue next, you will achieve success. Daygame is hard, like really hard, the stuff of SAS Selection, … if you can do this you can do pretty much anything else.

    Every city has thousands of martial artists, artists, entrepreneurs or even gangsters but very few men manage to survive in daygame for any significant number of time. “It’s not who is best, it’s who is left”

    It looks that most men prefer to compete in secondary markets like jobs in finance, sports etc than try their luck directly in the mating market.

    Here is something you may find interesting:

    Back in the 80’s there was a french daygamer that you share may commonalities with. His name was Alain Soral and he dominated the scene of dg Paris. When he stopped to start his own family, as a closure he wrote a masterpiece around daygame, women, psychology and relationships as seen from the pov of a sociologist. See if you can translate this, bc trust me it is phenomenal work. An ex-blond who became bald 😉 .. a boxer. .. in the right spectrum of politics party (actually went from left to right). He wrote many books on how commercialization, immigration, Finance or even feminization impacted society. This is a recent talk on dg,

    (try with english cc in ytube)

    Take care of yourself,
    Borealis [Thanks for the kind words. I’ll look into that link. K.]

  29. Came across this twitter account and thought about your book reviews a couple of years ago for some reason. Hope you’re well and life is good, Nick.

    [Nice find, thanks. This guy defo has same taste as me. K.]

  30. white on white violence in the case of broodingsea and troy, roywalker is getting the ball and chain out, clown is regurgitating the same shite and deepak wayne is dominating daygame in europe. the state of this fucking country nick. [I have zero interest in the daygame online community. I have IRL friends who are daygamers but I don’t even read their twitter. K.]

  31. Dear Nick, as the spokesperson for the London ethnic daygamer society we urge you to mediate the white-on-white violence being commited on X by broodingaling and troy. Failure to do so will result in a complete overhaul of white hegemony in the daygame community. This will result in a power vacuum for the likes of deepak and I. Be warned.

  32. james and les channel is deleted becuase of your slap head mate in newcastle. what a selfish git.

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